Asset Verification Overview
Good job being cautious about connecting your wallet!
Allow us to explain the process when you use Asset Verification by NiadTech.
1. What happens when you click the Connect Wallet button?
When you click this button our app sends a command to the Phantom app installed in your browser or on your phone.
This prompts Phantom to establish a Connect Request for you to approve.
*Take note how it says at the top: Connect
Then it lists the website you are connecting to, a brief description of the capabilities you will be granting to the website, and the wallet account you will be using.
2. If you have multiple wallets it is important to pay attention to which wallet is active and going to be used.
If it is the wrong wallet, then simply click the Cancel button.
If everything looks good to you then you can click the Connect button to approve the connection between your Phantom wallet and the NiadTech app.
3. The window from Phantom will disappear and our app will receive your wallet address.
- We will then make a query to the Solana blockchain on your wallet address to retrieve a listing of its contents.
- Note that this is public information. Anyone who knows your wallet address can go to and view the contents of your wallet.
- We do not initiate any transfers of your assets. We view-only.
- We will compare this list with the access rules set by the system you are requesting access to and report back that access has been Denied or Granted.
4. We will output the results to the screen for you to see. This will include the end characters of the wallet we performed the lookup on, the criteria for access, and if you passed or failed any rules.
5. With a successful verification you will see a status of Access Granted. You can now return to the app or website that sent you here.
How do you know we didn't do anything shady with your wallet?
Excellent question!
We did not trigger a Confirm Transaction request.
If you didn't agree to a Confirm Transaction, then it is not possible for us to have moved any of your assets, only to view them.
Take your security one step further.
It is a good idea to periodically check and see what apps and websites have active permssions to your wallet. This is how you can check and delete them in Phantom.
1. Go to Settings and click on Connected Apps.
2. In the top right corner click the dots and choose Disconnect from all.
3. You can now rest easy at night knowing your wallet has no ongoing connections.
Thanks for reading and Stay Safe!